19 March 2009

One More Then and PRROOT!

Here I am, yet again procrastinating and setting myself for utter failure. I am so lame.  Oh well.  Tomorrow, I'm leaving for the Bay and I just want to chill. I don't want to think about studying but I know I'm actually going to start a bit. This is my schedule..

Friday - Chill. Rest with Fam.  Kick it with friends.
Saturday - Same shit, see Fam.. Probably having a kick back.

And then the rest is gonna be a bonfire, glow-in-the-dark mini golfing drunk, astrojumpingplacethingy, getting my wisdom teeth pulled out so muy vicoden or whatever,going thrift store shopping at 'frsico,  having photography sessions and blah blah blah.  I guess I have a lot of engagements going on and I can't wait but at the same time.. I kinda can.

Oh. Good grief. I should mention I attempted to get a job and failed miserably at Veggie Grill. Aw poo. I went one day, my friend told me to go the next day to talk to the manager.   I went the next day and he told me they're fully staffed. POOPY! Not cool breh.  I was questioning this in my head because he fails to realize he has a sign that says.. "Now Hiring" blahs!  I was all quirky when I met him too. Oh man.  You don't understand why this is an epic fail. 

I have been talking about me in my state of being poor, broke, and miserable for the longest time.  In fact, it's rather sad because I have been telling everyone  how miserable it is living in Irvine this way.  UGH!  And see, the thing is, every time I'd complain.. I wouldn't mention that I never did apply for a job.  But see now, I can say I can... After these many months and failed. 

Good grief.
Let this be OVER!


  1. Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I highly enjoy your writing :)

  2. I NEED A JOB TOO! For the same reasons lmao
