25 January 2010

"Why you so sweet?"

Hah, my mom was suspicious about my relationship with Daryl, so I decided to tell her the truth that he was my bf. She didn't care. So long as I didn't "give myself up," she said she didn't mind. That's nice to know. Hahah, although I did laugh.

More to add? Went to Duarte with him on Saturday and met his friends who were pretty chill. Funny story: I went to his friend Justin's grandma's 92nd birthday and the mom meets me at the end of the party. Here's the conversation.

Justin's Mom: You're with Daryl? Stay with him he's a good boy!
(I'm smiling >_>)
Justin's Mom: You're beautiful. Are you Filipino?
Me: Yes I am actually!
Justin's Mom: Oh! See that's good! We can talk to each other!

Michelle, Justin's GF in the background: We can't talk to each other. :(
(She's Chinese. I felt bad, Daryl laughed)

Justin's Mom: Good. Stay with him. I'll be your Ninang (godmother)


05 January 2010

Cough Drops

I really like the Halls cough drops, "Tropical Wave." They're so delicious; they taste like candy! Mmm. I'm sick. Well, I've been sick. It's really irritable since I'm coughing all over the place and I'm wondering if I'll get better anytime soon as well. I forgot to post something new lately, and it's because I'm busy and all over the place and because well damnit, I'm a sickly child is why. I am diseased.

Today my movie came in. It's called "Lars and the Real Girl." It's about this guy who orders a sex doll and believes that it's a real girl. He also is disillusioned, believing that he's dating her and gives her the name, "Bianca." Supposedly it's worth watching and I can't wait (I can't watch it until my friend comes over).

School is all right. I'd just like to say that I miss polisci classes. >_< It feels good to be in one of these kinds of classes again.

01 January 2010


Happy new year! :D