24 December 2009


I have the common cold, wonderful. I get the H1N1 vaccine and the next day I'm welcomed with the common freaking cold. More like the sniffles, really, but still. It bothers me. I keep scratching my nose and rubbing it so that it turns red. Yes, folks, I'm in the Christmas spirit by becoming Rudolph. Joy to the world. And another additional bonus is the fact that when I sneeze it's loud and high-pitched; trust me, it even annoys me.

Anyway, today I watched Avatar with Wesley and let me tell you right now, it was really good. The images were good, the story line was good, the fact that there was political messages made it bomb for me. Yet, some parts of the movie were completely unnecessary, in fact they dragged the movie a bit. It's kind of sad though. Because I'm overemotional (I like to say I'm empathetic) I wanted to cry during the sad, intense, and painful moments of the movie. But I told myself, "Michelle! You're an idiot. It's not real. No crying for a sci-fi movie. Nope nope nope!" Apparently the lady next to Wesley was crying up a storm. Funny white people.

Later on today, I went to dinner with friends... Hmm. Let's make that dinner with friends more like dinner with about thirty people. Yikes. The bill was ridiculous and let me tell you; stupid BJs. I hate you. I had little awkward moments as well, since I'm now not close with anyone really there. It's somewhat embarrassing. And eh. I could keep going but I fear ... Anyway.

But my highlight of my day was really being able to converse with Wesley about current situations that happen in her life and mine as well. It's nice that I have someone who can relate to the same problems I'm facing, or that she understands my situations instead of assuming I'm this way of that. I miss her. She kept me sane.

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